Smelly Milana | Femdom Toilet

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Mistress Milana was planning to shit outdoors when this guy approached her and he spoiled her plan. She was hostile to him as she did not like how he had interrupted her planned shit. When he did not leave as soon as she wanted, the mistress took a shit on him and she turned him into her human toilet. The guy regretted why he had approached her despite not having any ill intention.

Mistress Milana wanted a slave who was fit but she got one who was not. The mistress did not mind as she knew she had the power to make him become fit. The mistress hired him and immediately got down to making him do things her way. The mistress chose to whip and torture him by turning him into a human toilet. It worked and he learned to work out and become fit.

These mistresses did not like how this loser badmouthed them. They did not have any other problem with him and they wondered why he had chosen to badmouth them. He had to be dealt with and the mistresses did this by shitting on him. They wanted to do something crazy once and deal with him forever instead of giving him small punishments. It worked and he never did it again.

Mistress Kristina wanted her money back from this loser. She had given it to him but he did not do as they had agreed. He was to give it back within a month but it was several months down the line but he did not show signs of giving it back. She had to remind him about the money and she did so using her shit fetish. She got him to eat her poo, and he paid her back.

Mistress Milana wanted consistency from her slave. And she had tried to talk to him about it for a long time but she did not see any change from him. She was disappointed in him and she forced him to change. She did so using her shit fetish in order to show him how urgent she took the whole issue. She achieved her aim by the time she was done with him.

Mistress Milana got conned by this loser and she tracked him down to settle a score. She was so pissed at him that she ensured she got hold of him and she gave him a punishment that was worse than the mistake he had mde. She turned him into a human toilet and she fed him her shit and got him to drink her urine. She then left him knowing he would never con anyone again.

Mistress Milana and her friend were tired of how their boss used them. Something had to change but since he was not changing and he was not considerate to them, he was pissed and he was taught a lesson. The mistresses put their jobs on the line and they took a shit on him. They fed him the poo slowly and they told him he was free to fire them if he would not change.

Mistress Milana was not happy to see this loser do the things he did. She had taught him well and she was disappointed to see him mess up. She chose to use her shit to teach him a lesson. She did it cruelly and she made sure he ate her poo and that he learned his lesson. She let him go knowing that he would never do what he had done again.

Mistress Milana was ready to quit her job as she had had enough from her boss. He was a bully and he was unfair to her. She was stressed and she could not endure any more of his crap. She turned on him today and she made him her scat eater. She made him a toilet slave and he had to eat her poo and drink her pee before she quit.

Mistress Victoria did not want this loser to share with the world what he had seen from her. And she knew the best way to do it was to torture him and to make sure he was scared enough not to say anything. So she forced the poor guy to eat her shit and once he did, he realized she was serious and he kept his mouth shut so as not to get another torture session.

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