Scat Eater | Femdom Toilet

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Lady Bianc wanted to chase away her slave so she designed a way to do it in an easier way. She wanted to make him run away and the best way for her was to shit on him and to degrade him so much that he felt that the only and best way for him to escape all of that humiliation was to run away. He finally did and she got what she wanted.

Mistress Gaia took a shit on this loser after she had turned him into her human toilet. She made him lick the soles of her high heels before she trampled his nuts painfully. She then went back to shit fetish before she felt she had done enough to him and she left him licking his wounds and hoping he was bright enough to learn from his mistakes and change his behavior.

Mistress Milana got conned by this loser and she tracked him down to settle a score. She was so pissed at him that she ensured she got hold of him and she gave him a punishment that was worse than the mistake he had mde. She turned him into a human toilet and she fed him her shit and got him to drink her urine. She then left him knowing he would never con anyone again.

Lady Biac was paid to torture this guy and she did it as cruelly as she was able to. She took a shit on him because she did not have time to experiment with punishments. She enjoyed how degraded he was. She scared the shit out of him and she got him to do the things she wanted and how she wanted them done. The punishment was successful as it achieved its objectives.

Mistress Jennifer could not believe what this guy was talking about. He was a loudmouth and she did not want to put up with his nonsense. He was telling her things he had seen in her house as if he had been told by someone else. So she made him eat her shit so as to make him learn not to say things unnecessarily. He learned his lesson after eating poo.

Mistress Milana and her friend were tired of how their boss used them. Something had to change but since he was not changing and he was not considerate to them, he was pissed and he was taught a lesson. The mistresses put their jobs on the line and they took a shit on him. They fed him the poo slowly and they told him he was free to fire them if he would not change.

Lady Biac has a nice ass which this guy wanted to fuck. Unknown to her, she does not do anal. But she is a big fan of femdom toilet and she made him lick her ass and thereafter eat her shit. She laughed at him and got him to smear himself with her poo after he had eaten it. She then chased him away from her house. He learned his lesson.

When this mistress saw that her boss was adamant that she had to suck his dick which she did not want to, she told him if she did, he would also have to do something for her. He agreed not knowing what it was. She sucked his cock and when she was done, she made him eat her shit and he could not refuse as he had agreed earlier and they had a deal.

Mistress Milana was ready to quit her job as she had had enough from her boss. He was a bully and he was unfair to her. She was stressed and she could not endure any more of his crap. She turned on him today and she made him her scat eater. She made him a toilet slave and he had to eat her poo and drink her pee before she quit.

This mistress does not like to do the same thing over and over again. That is what this loser came to find out. She tortured him for fun and she made sure he learned his lesson. She degraded him using her shit and her boots. She trampled him with the boots before she used the boots to shove the shit on his face into his mouth. Then he licked the shit from the boots.

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