Diabolic Sigal | Femdom Toilet

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Mistress Melania felt that she was past the bullshit her husband showed her. She had put up with it for a long time and it was now time for something to change. And she made sure things changed by shitting on him. She did not care how he took it and she did not care whether he divorced her. All she wanted was for him to learn his lesson and he did.

This mistress loves to shit. It is her number one pastime and she enjoys to do it any chance she gets. The mistress met this guy who clearly wanted to nail her and he did not even hide it. She was fascinated by his balls and she was tempted to fuck him but when she noticed he had a small dick, she turned round and shit on him instead of fucking him.

When this mistress realized she was being taken for a ride by this loser, she was so pissed because it was disrespectful. She wanted to be treated with respect and when that did not materialize, she used her poo to get it. She made this guy regret messing with her. She also made him eat her shit and since then, he never messed up with other people for fear of what they could do to him.

This mistress felt that he was being taken for a ride by her neighbor. She was fed up and she had to give him a piece of her mind. She did so cruelly by pretending to tease him. She touched herself and turned him on. She was doing so to disarm him and when she had succeeded, she turned on him and she made him her human toilet. He ate poo and drank pee.

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